Archive for October 2009

Lack Mentality: How To Ensure A Life Of Poverty, Stress And Unhappiness

October 25, 2009

“There’s just not enough money!” they shout. “I’m struggling  just to keep my head above water” they say as they stare down at their bank statement. They are people who live within a lack mentality. Broke, stressed and always worrying about what’s around the next financial corner. Some people only know what it’s like to worry about money…how to pay the bills, afford food, maintain the car, etc. These people usually cling to jobs they can’t stand just so they can have a paycheck each month. What these people can’t see is that having all the money in the world but hating your daily life is no way to live. They dream of retirement, vacations and holidays just to get a break from the stress and pressure of the 9 to 5 grind. “But there is no other way. It’s this or starve” they would say and that is exactly how a person with lack mentality thinks.

There is an alternative, though. You can travel along the road to riches and actually enjoy every step of the way…once you begin to see through the filter of an abundance mentality. You see, money is really a side effect of living your passions and loving your life by expressing your natural talents. Having that kind of joyful experience every day is the true wealth and money simply comes along for the ride as a physical manifestation of your happiness. Have you ever wondered why most unhappy people don’t make much money? And, no, it isn’t that they’ re unhappy because they don’t earn much. For most people, it’s actually the other way around.

We create from the inside out. What is inside becomes a physical expression in the world around us. Hold fear in your heart and you will find more reasons to be afraid. Hold anger in your heart and you will find more reasons to get angry. Hold unhappiness in your heart and you will find more reasons to be unhappy. See how it works? So let’s ask the following question: would a happy person attract a job he or she hates and pays little money? Only if that person defines happiness as hating their job and being broke! In truth, a happy person will attract a job/career that is fulfilling and pays well and as he or she thrives within that career, more fulfilling experiences and financial gain will flow into their life.

You were born with certain talents, skills and abilities that are meant to be joyfully expressed and shared with the world. The more you can do this, the more pleasant your life will be and as long as you don’t have limiting beliefs such as “what I love to do won’t support me”, you will find that financial abundance (and all kinds of other pleasant things) will seek you out. So be yourself in the best way you know how and let the world see the gift that you are.

To your success and happiness!

Jason Hundley