The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a universal law that enables us to create our reality as we see fit. For most of us, the idea of getting what we want just because we want it flies in the face of our life experience but, as we will see later, this is based on limiting beliefs and negative thinking. For now, though, let’s look at what the Law is.

The universe is vibrational, meaning that everything in existence has a particular vibration or frequency. Physics tells us that, at their core, things are composed of atoms and these atoms vibrate at a particular speed, depending on what the object is. Denser objects such as metal and stone will have a slower frequency than less dense objects such as water and air.

We can get a better understanding of this by looking at water and its various states. When water is in liquid form, its atoms vibrate at a certain speed, which is what makes it so fluid. When energy, in the form of heat, is removed from the water (cooling it down) we see the atoms vibrating at a slower and slower rate until the water becomes ice. So what gives ice its solidity is the slower speed at which the water’s atoms are moving. If we add energy, in the form of heat, we see the atoms speeding up and the ice becomes a liquid again. If we continue to add heat, the atoms move faster and faster until the liquid becomes a gas (steam).

The Law of Attraction (LOA) says that things of like vibration are attracted to each other; this is different from magnetism, where opposite poles are drawn together. We can actually see examples of this vibrational attraction in guitars and tuning forks. To illustrate, let’s assume you have two guitars, 1 and 2. Guitar 1 has only one string and it is tuned to the note C. Guitar 2 has two strings, one tuned to C and the other tuned to A. If you place guitar 1 near guitar 2 and pluck its string, the C string on guitar 2 will begin to vibrate but the one tuned to A will not. The reason the C string is vibrating is because the sound waves emitted from guitar 1 are the frequency of “C” and the C string on guitar 2 is a match to that frequency. Put simply, like attracts like.

The same is true of everything else in the universe, including thoughts and feelings, which is how we as human beings create vibrational frequencies that attract certain people and experiences into our life. In part 2, we’ll look at how you are using LOA unconsciously to attract experiences you don’t want and how you can start to use it consciously to bring to you things you prefer.

Read the next article in this series here

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